Disruption is Opportunity

There is light at the end of the tunnel!


For several years in December, I have set aside time to ask our Lord for direction for the coming year. I want to be prepared for the new year by seeing the big picture. This year was challenging. So much negativity. I heard our Lord say “There is light at the end of the tunnel!”


The pandemic and lockdowns around the world in 2020 had a profound impact on my life. Travel was virtually eliminated. The mission I to which I am called has not. In early 2020 I adjusted methods and focused much of my efforts on communicating virtually. I have been blessed to reach further and touch more individuals!


What about 2021? What will the new normal be like? I believe the coming months will provide unusual opportunities for Jesus’ disciples and for the church. My challenge to you is to be prepared, primed, to be at the starting gate of this next season. I record the message, “Disruption is Opportunity” several weeks ago. I believe it is relevant today. I pray it will challenge you!

Terry King

Stepping into New Things

Linda and I are thankful for the opportunity to travel for ministry in February. There are limitations. Social distancing, frequent washing hands, etc., have become the norm. We are willing to work within the limitations, we are not willing to stand still! In February we ministered in person in the state of Washington, in Maryland and West Virginia. I frequently “traveled” via video conference to many places, including weekly meetings in the USA, England and the Philippines.


Stepping into New Things
I have been challenged in the last couple of weeks to focus on NEW things. I am thankful that despite the challenges of these days, there are fresh opportunities including the following.


NEW Webinar Project
We are preparing to launch a NEW webinar series, “Closing the Gap” April 19/20 which will address communication and relationship challenges. The teaching will be shorter, about 10 minutes. Our goal is to engage leaders a video conference discussion afterwards.  Please pray for this NEW outreach.


NEW Ministry Training Course
One aspect of our mission is to provide leadership training materials. A NEW course is being launched. “Homiletics, An Introduction to Preaching” is now available at LDR Online: Homiletics.


NEW Equipment and Skills
One year ago, I launched full speed ahead into the video and webinar arena. My early projects were quite limited in quality. My office conference room now is a video recording studio, our presentation is coming up!


Terry King

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