
London Ministry Update

On Thursday (the 12th) Linda and I fly to London for eleven days of ministry. We will joining AIM team members John Guido (with Marilyn) and Randy Vruggink (with Sheri) working with team member John Singleton (and Dawn).

We ministered to the LifeLine Congregation on Sunday, to several home groups, and in a leaders meeting. On the final weekend we ministered to about 60 members of the leadership teams which serve the many ministries of LifeLine. It was exciting to see how the Holy Spirit coordinated each meeting, how the teaching and discussions worked together. Praise to our Lord!

A full schedule is planned which will include meeting with members of LifeLine Church in their homes, LifeLine Projects leaders and Community Resources leaders. On the final weekend we will ministering in a church leaders retreat. We are looking forward to seeing some of the sights of London as well. Thank you John and LifeLine Church for your gracious invitation!

Our ministry trip to England in mid-January was wonderfully blessed by our Lord. I am amazed once again at the way our Father has blessed me to build relationships and work with men such as John Guido and Randy Vruggink. Our host in London, John Singleton fits perfectly with the team.



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