2023 Annual Retreat

We hosted 54 pastors, leaders and spouses for our annual retreat in Hagerstown. We were blessed with great worship, teaching from the Scriptures and fellowship. Ministers traveled from as far away as Michigan. Ministers attended from Zimbabwe, England and Ecuador.

Over the course of the twenty years in which we organized this event, a great level of friendship and camaraderie has developed. Part of the calling of AIM is to provide a safe place for leaders to minister to one another. During the retreat we were blessed to ordain two new members and welcome them to our family. We are growing!

Timing is Everything

Linda and I joined the Alliance Intl Ministries Team in New Braunfels for a “Spiritual Life Conference.” The local team chose, “The Promises of God” for the theme. Certainly relevant for these days of testing. I preached “Timing is Everything.” The video is available on the Terry King LDR You Tube channel. Click Here to view the teaching.

Jesus’ Prophecy in Our Day

Jesus declared the last great sign preceding His return will be, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Linda and I are thankful for this time when we see this prophecy coming to pass! We are living in a world of great confusion, and also hunger for the living God.

© 2023 Leadership Development Resources