
College Level Courses taught by Terry King

These courses are available at two levels.

Option OnePersonal Enrichment. Fill out the form on the course page and you will receive a link to download the student manual to use as you watch the videos with no charge.

Option Two: The Directed Study or Small Group Study include a manual with a study guide and video conference appointments with Terry King.  Contact Us here to receive details including the application form, material costs and tuition charges.

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Principles of Personal Leadership

Leading others begins with leading yourself.  Our “Principles of Personal Leadership” course was developed to help you to answer the key questions of calling and purpose, personal vision and mission and develop a plan to proceed.

For details, go to PPL Course

Homiletics I

Homiletics is the art and science of public speaking, preaching in particular. This introductory course presents basic lessons for preparation and delivery. The lessons learned will be useful for a wide variety of public speaking opportunities.

For details go to Homiletics I

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