Inspirational Teaching

"Staying Sane in a World of Chaos"


Stress, anxiety, depression. All and more accosting us with growing magnitude. These are challenging times, surviving life can seem to be overwhelming. This series provides a map to overcome!

Christ Within and Through Series

“Finding Christ Within” | Terry King
Real life, busy, stressful, very full. Feel bombarded by from every direction? Do you find yourself struggling to keep your focus on God? We often talk about receiving Jesus into our heart. But is that where we picture him? My call for is to discover Jesus who is dwelling within.

“Christ Through You” | Terry King
Our call is to live from within. You are in the world for a reason. When one recognizes and co-labors with Christ within there is an overflow of His touch!

No Fear!

I believe fear is the greatest challenge to pressing forward to that which God has called you. My heart for you today, “Now is Time to Defeat the Lion of Fear!” My challenge: When you are confronted by fear, resist the temptation to be intimidated, you can be sure an opportunity awaits!

Is God in Control?

How do you respond to situations that seem too big to understand? Many respond, “God is in control.” Really? Does God control? This message declares that you can trust God even when you do not understand God, He IS God. He is NEVER surprised!

Innocent to Evil

There is a deep state!

These are anxious times, so many rumors and conspiracy theories? What is true? How can we walk in peace?  This teaching looks at Romans 16:17-20 for the answers.

Joy is Coming!

It is dark! I have good news… As I waited on our Lord, I heard him say, “There is Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Choose Joy!

Major in the Majors

Matthew 11:12 says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” Forceful individuals are focused. This message delivers the challenge to pivot, avoid distractions, and focus on the necessary. Days of challenge are filled with opportunity; we must focus on the King and His Kingdom.

"Finding Freedom in Forgiveness" Series

ForgiveForgiveness is transformational!

This series provides insights into the power of forgiveness, and offers practical steps forward.

“Keep Forgiving” (Audio Only)

Young man and woman quarreling while travelling


Relationships are messy, forgiveness is a journey. This is the first teaching in this series, setting the foundation for the freedom which is found in forgiveness.

“Don’t Touch My Goat!” (Audio Only)

Young couple quarrelling in the office of therapist



Receiving an offense is a choice. Daily, moment by moment, you make decisions to be positive or negative, to affirm or to be offended. Let us look at keys to stay free from bitterness.

“Forgiveness is a Heart Issue”




The freedom that comes from forgiveness begins and flows from your heart. This teaching encourages one to guard hour heart, fill your heart, and give your heart.

“Better than Bitter”




Let’s talk about forgiveness again, starting from the opposite direction. Love is the vaccine for bitterness, forgiveness is the path to putting on love. You are Better than Bitter!

“Pursue Peace”


What are you chasing? Important things? Necessary things? Fun things? Exciting things? What is important? Money? Health? Success? Acceptance? Authority? Safety? Significance? Security? Relationships? Peace? Which one are you pursuing? Which one you should be pursuing? Which one is pursuing you? My Challenge: When confronted by conflict, AT WHAT COST will you NOT have your own way?

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